
Project details


Product design




Javelin, formerly BYP network, is a network for black professionals to access, mentoring, up-skilling and employment within the U.K. The new brand Javelin will look to re-vamp the job matching process with an advanced algorithm designed to suggest and match users to jobs based on their previous employment, education and interests.


Javelin wanted a fresh take on the traditional 'job board' and so I was required to create Figma screens to bring their idea to life. This included a multi-step onboarding process whereby a user can upload their employment and education history, plus input their areas of interest and preferred job requirements.


My goal was make the onboarding process straight forward and intuitive, despite the large amount of data required to be collected. This data needed CRUD functionality during both the onboarding process and at any time in the future. Once inside the app, users would need to see the top jobs that are recommended to them based on their inputted data, along with the ability to search and follow jobs and companies in the platform. A used would also need to access both events and mentorships within their network.

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